Civil Trial and Appellate Litigation / Business Disputes

As commerce grows increasingly global and complex, the prospect of business disputes looms larger. No matter the size of your business, disputes can prove costly—and not only financially. They can damage your business relationships and reputation, not to mention diverting attention and resources from the operation of the business itself. When disputes ripen into litigation, the costs and risks continue to grow, especially for high-profile cases.

Like storms, business conflicts and other civil disputes don't just appear and wreak havoc; you can often see them building from a long way off, if you know what to look for. While you cannot, of course, prevent a literal storm, you can prepare for and mitigate business and civil disputes with experienced legal support.

Attorney David Tatge has the combination of legal and practical knowledge and courtroom experience necessary to resolve civil disputes successfully, efficiently, and cost-effectively. A lawyer, and a former Certified Public Accountant (CPA), who has spent three decades representing businesses of all sizes, organizations, and individuals, David is deeply familiar with the dispute resolution needs of companies in many industries.

Experience in Litigation, Strength in Negotiation

It is almost always less expensive to resolve a dispute short of litigation. In order to be in a strong position to negotiate, however, it is important to be prepared to litigate. A strong litigator will not settle a case for convenience or for any reason other than his client's best interests.

David Tatge works with clients in multiple industries, including banking and finance, technology, manufacturing, real estate, business goods and healthcare, to identify the relevant legal and factual matters involved in the dispute at hand and craft a strategy calculated to favorably resolve them to the client’s satisfaction. With over 30 years of courtroom experience, David is skilled in framing issues and gathering and presenting evidence. His background positions him well both to enforce his clients' rights and to defend them against claims.

David's depth of experience and skill mean that he is frequently able to bring a dispute to a successful resolution short of trial, and often before litigation needs to be initiated. In those situations in which a trial is unavoidable, David's attention to detail, thorough preparation, and powerful advocacy, effectively serve his clients' interests.

Over 30 Years of Courtroom Experience

David Tatge is an experienced in presenting his clients' cases to a variety of finders of fact, in both courts of law and before arbitrators. He appears in state and federal courts at both the trial and appellate level, as well as before administrative law judges. Whenever David represents a client in a business dispute or other civil litigation, his singular focus is on achieving his client's aims and protecting their interests.

Based in Oak Hill, Virginia, 25 miles Northwest of Washington, D.C., David B. Tatge PLLC serves clients throughout the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, nationwide, and he represents international clients as well.